
What in the Giggle are we doing?

Exploring the intricate interplay of our actions, motivations, and the often unpredictable path of life.

What is revenue-based financing?

Revenue-based financing is NOT a loan. Instead, our customers sell us some of their future income in exchange for funds deposited into their accounts today. Then, we simply take weekly payments based on a percentage of your incoming revenue.

Payments are based on your incoming revenue and not your profits or bottom line.

You can enjoy a significant prepayment discount by paying off within the first 30 days.

We report positive and missed payments to credit bureaus.

We report positive and missed payments to credit bureaus.

We offer repeat financing to customers. If your business needs consistent capital to continue to grow, we’re your long-term credit source.

Repeat customers typically see higher approval amounts and longer payback periods.

However, there is likely a cooling-off period that is required between applications.

We report positive and missed payments to credit bureaus.

We offer repeat financing to customers. If your business needs consistent capital to continue to grow, we’re your long-term credit source.

Repeat customers typically see higher approval amounts and longer payback periods.

However, there is likely a cooling-off period that is required between applications.

The gig economy is our jam and we love seeing client success stories come across our screen on a daily basis. Whether you’re an “old pro” or a “rookie,” we’re here to help you stack the game in your favor and provide you the support and peace of mind to hustle the way you want. Whenever you need us, remember, the Giggle Zone is just a click away!